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邮  箱: li.qing(AT)pku.edu.cn
职  称:
办公室地址: 北京市海淀区颐和园路5号,北京大学,金光生命科学大楼,100871
实验室电话: 62759158
实验室地址: 北京市海淀区颐和园路5号,北京大学,金光生命科学大楼,100871
2001 - 2006 , 理学博士 , 生物化学与分子生物学 , 北京大学
1997 - 2001 , 理学学士 , 生物化学与分子生物学 , 北京大学
2019.02 - 今   教授 北京大学生命科学学院
2018.02 - 2019.01 长聘副教授 北京大学生命科学学院
2012.01 - 2018.01 助理教授 北京大学生命科学学院
2012.01-今  研究员 北大清华生命科学联合中心
2006.09-2011.12 博士后 美国梅奥医学院癌症中心(Mayo Clinic Cancer Center)
2018 入选“北京高校卓越青年科学家”计划
2017 教育部青年科学奖
2017 国家杰出青年科学基金
2016 北京大学青年教师教学基本功比赛 理工科 二等奖
2015 郑昌学教学优秀奖
2014 拜耳学者奖
2013 国家优秀青年科学基金
2009 Mayo Clinic“Kendall-Mayo 奖学金”
  本实验室长期致力于表观遗传信息继承(Epigenetic Inheritance)的分子机制。我们以芽殖酵母和胚胎干细胞为研究模式,运用经典的生物化学、遗传学等方法结合前沿的组学方法、荧光成像等技术,以染色质复制过程为切入点,揭示表观遗传信息继承的基本规律,解析其与基因组稳定性维持,细胞命运决定等的关联机理。主要研究内容包括:
Leng, H.#, Liu, S.F.#, Lei, Y., Tang, Y.T., Gu, S.J., Hu, J.Z., Chen, S., Feng, J.X.* and Li, Q*. (2021) FACT interacts with Set3 HDAC and fine-tunes GAL1 transcription in response to environmental stimulation. Nucleic Acids Research, gkab312, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkab312

Xu, Z.Y., Feng, J.X*. and Li, Q* . (2020) Measuring Genome-Wide Nascent Nucleosome Assembly Using Replication-intermediate nucleosome mapping (ReIN-Map). Methods Molecular Biology (Book) Vol.2196. Chapter 10, 978-1-0716-0867-8.

Zhang, W.S., Feng J.X.*, and Li, Q.* (2020) The replisome guides nucleosome assembly during DNA replication. Cell & bioscience. 10.1186/s13578-020-00398-z.

Li, S.Q#., Dong, Z.Q#., Yang, S.S., Feng, J.X., and Li, Q*. (2019) Chaperoning RPA during DNA metabolism. Current Genetics  doi: 10.1007/s00294-019-00945-3

Li, Q*., Zhang, X., and Zhang, Z.* (2018). CHAF1B overexpression: A brake for the differentiation of leukemia cells. Cancer Cell 34:693-694.

Li, S.Q#, Xu, Z.Y. #, Xu, J.W. #, Zuo, L.Y., Yu, C.H., Zheng, P., Gan, H.Y., Wang, X.Z., Li, L.T., Sharma, S., Chabes, A., Li, D., Wang, S., Zheng, S.H., Li, J.B., Chen, X.F., Sun, Y.J., Xu, D.Y., Han, J.H., Chan, K.M., Qi, Z., Feng, J.X.*, and Li, Q.* (2018) Rtt105 functions as a chaperone for replication protein A to preserve genome stability The EMBO Journal e99154.(Article recommended by F1000)

Yan, X.W#., Yang, J.Y#., Xu, J.W#., Feng, J.X*., and Li, Q.* (2018). Histone chaperone Spt16p is required for heterochromatin mediated silencing in budding yeast. Protein & Cell 9:652-658.

Liu, S.F.#, Xu, Z.Y. #, Leng, H. #, Zheng, P., Yang, J.Y., Chen, K.F., Feng, J.X., Li, Q. * (2017). RPA binds histone H3-H4 and functions in DNA replication-coupled nucleosome assembly. Science 355, 415-420.

Feng, J.X.#, Gan, H.Y.#, Eaton, M.L., Zhou, H., Li, S.Q., Belsky, J.A., MacAlpine, D.M., Zhang, Z.G.* and Li, Q.* (2016). Noncoding transcription is a driving force for nucleosome instability in spt16 mutant cells. Molecular and Cellular Biology 36, 1856-1867. Article of significant interest selected as a Spotlight.

Yang, J.Y.#, Zhang, X.#, Feng, J.X.#, Leng, H., Li, S.Q., Xiao, J.X., Liu, S.F., Xu, Z.Y., Xu, J.W., Li, D., Wang, Z.S., Wang, J.Y., and Li, Q.* (2016). The Histone Chaperone FACT Contributes to DNA Replication-Coupled Nucleosome Assembly. Cell Reports 14, 1128-1141.

Su, D.#, Hu, Q.#, Li, Q.#, Thompson, J.R., Cui, G.F., Fazly, A., Davies, B.A., Botuyan, M.V., Zhang, Z.G.* and Mer, G.* (2012). Structural basis for recognition of H3K56-acetylated histone H3–H4 by the chaperone Rtt106. Nature 483, 104-107 (# Co-first author).

Li, Q.#, Burgess, R.#, and Zhang, Z.G.* (2012). All roads lead to chromatin: Multiple pathways for histone deposition. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms. 1819, 238-46 (# Co-first author).

Li, Q., and Zhang, Z.G.* (2012). Linking DNA replication to heterochromatin silencing and epigenetic inheritance. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (ABBS) 44, 3-13. This review was selected as the cover story.

Fazly, A., Li, Q., Hu, Q., Mer, G., Horazdovsky, B. and Zhang, Z.G.* (2012). Histone chaperone Rtt106 promotes nucleosome formation using (H3-H4)2 tetramers. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 2287, 10753-10760.

Li, Q., Fazly, A., Zhou, H., Huang, H.S., Zhang, Z.G.* and Stillman, B.* (2009). The Elongator complex interacts with PCNA and modulates transcriptional silencing and sensitivity to DNA damage agents. PLoS Genetics 5, e1000684.

Li, Q.#, Zhou, H.#, Wurtele, H., Davies, B., Horazdovasky, B., Verreault, A.* and Zhang, Z.G.* (2008). Acetylation of Histone H3 lysine 56 regulates CAF-1 dependent nucleosome assembly. Cell 134,244-255 (# Co-first author). Previewed in the same issue. Highlighted in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, September 2008
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